The “Kauai Agricultural Good Neighbor Program” was developed by the Pesticides Branch of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) to provide more information and education on pesticide use on the island.

Under the program, the five agricultural companies mentioned in Kauai County Bill 2491 (Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer, Syngenta, BASF, and Kauai Coffee Company) will report each month the type of restricted-use pesticides (RUP) that are applied on their fields on Kauai.

Participating companies will also implement a 100-foot buffer zone between RUP application areas and schools, medical facilities and residential properties, unless regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency are stricter.  By law, all requirements found on the pesticide label must be followed.

The voluntary pesticide-use guideline went into effect on Dec. 1, 2013, with the first posting of RUP on Jan. 15, 2014.

The voluntary guidelines are in addition to federal guidelines established by the EPA.

The companies will also file a monthly report on RUP use with HDOA’s Pesticides Branch. The report will be available for public viewing at the state’s Open Data portal:  https://data.hawaii.gov/Health/Kaua-i-Agricultural-Good-Neighbor-Program-RUP-Use-/9pud-c8q5

The program will be assessed after one year.

View The Kauai Good Neighbor Program