Plant Quarantine Contacts

Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Offices:

State Toll-Free Pest Hotline Number: (808) 643-PEST (7378)


1849 Auiki Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Phone: (808) 832-0566 FAX: (808) 832-0584
Map to PQ Branch

Honolulu International Airport Office
Phone: (808) 837-8413 FAX: (808) 836-6380

After Hours Emergency Calls:  (808) 837-8092

Hawai‘i Island

16E Lanikaula Street
Hilo, HI 96720-4302
Phone: (808) 974-4141 FAX: (808) 974-4148

Hilo Airport Office
Phone: (808) 961-9393 FAX: (808) 961-9397

Keahole Airport, Kailua-Kona
Phone: (808) 326-1077 FAX: (808) 326-2126


635 Mua Street
Kahului, HI 96732-2322
Phone: (808) 873-3962 FAX: 873-3586

Kahului Airport Office
Phone: (808) 872-3848


4398A Pua Loke Street
Līhue, HI 96766-5671
Phone: (808) 241-7135  FAX: 241-7137

Līhu‘e Airport Office
Phone: (808) 241-7135

Federal Plant and Animal Inspection Office (domestic and international travel)

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Plant Protection and Quarantine
Honolulu International Airport
300 Rodgers Blvd., #57
Honolulu, HI 96819-1987.

Information on Imports Phone: (808) 834-3240

Information on Exports Phone: (808) 834-3240

USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services Phone: (808) 838-2854