Restricted Use Pesticide Application Buffer Zone Information

Act 45, Governor’s Message No. 1145, June 13, 2018:

No person shall apply Restricted Use Pesticides on or within 100 feet of a school property during normal school hours. This restriction does not apply to whole structure fumigation.




  • The maps provided above are for illustrative purposes only; Use the map to navigate to your area of interest, School, and buffer zone. Note: The map contains all Hawaiian Islands.
  • For those requiring assistance to help identify schools in their neighborhoods please submit a request to: [email protected]. Please include in your request the specific part of the islands for which you have an interest including, where possible, a physical address, tax map key, or other identifiable landmark.


Please be advised that the maps are being provided as a courtesy to aid applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides by providing general guidance in locating preschools, kindergarten, elementary, intermediate, middle, secondary, and high schools (“schools”) within the state.  The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (“HDOA”) provides no warranties or representations of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.  It is the RUP user’s sole responsibility to ensure that RUP application complies with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, including Section 149A-28, Hawaii Revised Statutes”

These maps provide general information on the location of public schools under the Hawai‘i Department of Education (DOE), and private schools registered with the Hawai‘i Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA).  Users of this information are advised to seek verification of the information by other publicly available sources, and not to rely solely on the HDOA provided maps.

HDOA provides the maps on an “as is” basis.  HDOA shall not be liable or held responsible for any unintentional omission, addition, or error in or loss of data, or for any loss of service; for any breakdown, interruption, or delay in service; or for any other failure or inability of HDOA to provide services or data directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstance.  The information and services on this web site are continually under development.  All documents and information contained within the documents are unofficial, and HDOA shall not be liable for any losses caused by the untimeliness of the information made available on this web site.

  • School is defined as any public or private preschool, kindergarten, elementary, intermediate, middle, secondary or high school.
  • Normal school hours are defined as Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM until 4:00 PM, excluding days when classes are not in session.
  • It is the responsibility of the certified applicator to comply with the requirements of all applicable Federal, State and local laws, including Section 149A-28, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

For any questions regarding the buffer zones please contact HDOA Pesticides Branch personnel at the following email:  [email protected]