Licensed Pesticides
The pesticide products listed are currently licensed for distribution and sale, under the provisions of the Hawai‘i Pesticides Law (Chapter 149A, Hawaii Revised Statutes), until December 31st of the expiration year listed. Products not listed should be considered unlicensed and its sale and distribution a violation of the said statutes.
- The following table shows the list of licensed pesticide products, excluding special local needs and emergency exempt products, and is updated weekly.
(Disc.) = Indicates that the product is being discontinued and upon expiration, its license will not be renewed.
* = Indicates the product is classified as a Restricted Use Pesticide (names are also displayed in upper case). See below.
- List of current Hawai‘i special local needs registered pesticides– This list contains information regarding the currently active Special Local Need, Section 24(c), registrations for use in the state of Hawai‘i.
- List of current Section 18 Labels for the State of Hawai‘i– This list contains information regarding currently active labels issued under Section 18. Notifications and reports regarding any Section 18 label must be sent to [email protected] or mailed to the Pesticides Branch at 1428 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96814. EPA’s emergency exemption database can be found at
- Hawai‘i Pesticides Labels Online – This database contains information pertaining to pesticides currently licensed for distribution and sale in Hawai‘i and provides product searches by active ingredient, product name, EPA registration number, and company name.
- List of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP)
RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES can only be distributed and sold by Licensed Sales Outlets and only to Certified Applicators certified in the appropriate category. Some restricted use products are classified as such by state rules and may not exhibit the Restricted Use Statement on the label. Please see HRS, Administrative Rules, Chapter 66, section 4-66-32 for current list of restricted active ingredients. (
“Special local need” means an existing or imminent pest problem within Hawai‘i for which an appropriate federally registered pesticide product is not sufficiently available.
Registration under the authority of FIFRA Section 24(c), also known as Special Local Needs (SLN) registration, provides for additional uses of federally registered pesticides for use within a specific state. Using this authority, the State of Hawai‘i may register a new end use product or an additional use of a federally registered pesticide product, provided that certain conditions are met.
Those who request an SLN registration must work with the pesticide manufacturer/registrant to draft up the intended SLN labeling to meet their specific pest management needs. Requesters must also provide letters of support for the pursuit of the SLN for the product. The registrant will then submit the proposed SLN labeling, along with any other required and supporting documents, to [email protected]
Submissions by the registrant must be sent at least six months before the intended use date or expiration date of a current SLN registration.
For more information, contact the Pesticides Program:
Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture
Pesticides Branch
1428 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
Phone: (808) 973-9402, (808) 973-9414 or (808) 973-9415
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