NPDES Pesticides Permit Update

As of November 1, 2011, point source discharges from the applications of pesticides to waters of the state require National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits, as required by the Clean Water Act.  These discharges include applications of pesticides to, over, or near waters of the state.  The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), Clean Water Branch (CWB) is responsible for implementation of the NPDES pesticides permit program in the State of Hawaii.

The CWB’s amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 11-54 (Water Quality Standards) and 11-55 (Water Pollution Control), were adopted and became effective on October 21, 2012.  These amendments added the new NPDES General Permit for discharges from the application of pesticides to State waters (HAR, Chapter 11-55, Appendix M).

Please visit the CWB website at: 
That website contains the final rules, response to the public hearing comments, and instructions to submit the Appendix M Notice of Intent.  You mayalso obtain copies of the HAR, Chapters 11-54 and 11-55 rationales at that site.

Please contact the Clean Water Branch at (808) 586-4309 if you have more specific questions on Hawaii’s NPDES permit for pesticide discharges.