Importing Sheep
December 22, 2023
*UPDATE* – A permit to import Sheep will be required starting December 22, 2023
General Pre-Entry Requirements for Sheep Imports (For additional details, see guidance document)
- Originate from a herd that is not under quarantine.
- Be free from external parasites and symptoms of transmissible diseases and have not had recent exposure to these diseases.
- Every animal in shipment must be uniquely identified by one of the following:
- Official visual ear tag – bears US Shield
- Official 840 radio frequency identification tag (RFID)- bears US Shield
- Official individual animal breed registration tattoo accompanied by the breed APHIS approved registry document.
- Sprayed or dipped under the supervision of a veterinarian with a pesticide at a concentration to kill ticks within 7 days of shipment.
- Acquire a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection from a licensed, accredited veterinarian.
- Include required statements on CVI (see guidance document)
- Request sheep import permit when pre-entry requirements have been met. Contact the Animal Industry Division during business hours:
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 808-483-7110
- Phone: 808-483-7100
- Phone: 808-837-8092 (Saturdays, Sundays and State Holidays)
- The import permit and CVI must accompany the shipment