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- USDA Continues Disaster Aid Due to Vog on Hawaii IslandGovernor Abercrombie announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will continue disaster assistance programs for Hawaii Island farmers and ranchers who are still struggling with the effects of volcanic emissions. USDA has provided aid under its disaster program since 2008. To view the Governor’s news release, click here.
- Free Beekeeping Advice From Florida Bee ExpertNR12-03 – February 10, 2012 HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Apiary Program is hosting a bee specialist from Florida who will give a series of free public talks in Kona, Hilo, Lihue and Honolulu beginning next week.The meetings will feature Dr. Jamie Ellis, apiculture extension specialist with the University of Florida, who has […]
- Snake Killed by Lanscaping Crew Near Honolulu AirportNR12-01 – January 25, 2012 HONOLULU – A two-foot-long snake was weed-whacked to death this morning near the airport area around Nimitz Highway and Valkenburg Ave. A landscaping crew from Island Landscaping was cutting grass along the on-ramp to the freeway at about 8:45 a.m. when the snake was injured by the weed-whacker. The snake […]
- Illegal Ferret Captured in Hilo Over the WeekendNR12-02 – January 25, 2012 HONOLULU – An illegal ferret was captured early Sunday morning (1/22/12) in the parking lot of Coqui’s Hideaway Restaurant & Sports Bar in Hilo. Around 1:00 a.m., a resident saw the ferret emerge from a parked moped and captured the animal. The animal was turned in to Hawaii Island Humane […]
- Five Snakes and Three Lizards Turned In Under AmnestyNR11-20 – December 8, 2011 HONOLULU – A total of eight illegal animals were turned in yesterday under the State’s Amnesty Program, including three ball python and two boa constrictor snakes, two blue-tongued skinks and one monitor lizard. According to the Hawaiian Humane Society (HHS), a woman dropped the illegal animals off yesterday afternoon. (Note: […]
- Renewed Funding for Organic Certification Cost-Share ProgramNR11-19 – November 25, 2011 HONOLULU – The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) is currently accepting applications for a new round of organic certification cost-share assistance to organic farmers, organic livestock operators and organic produce handlers. Renewed federal funding totaling up to $95,000 has been allotted to help Hawai`i agribusinesses with the cost of organic […]
- Final EA Posted for Biological Control of Invasive Strawberry GuavaNR11-18 – November 8, 2011 HONOLULU – The final environmental assessment (EA) allowing the release of a biological control for the invasive strawberry guava was published today by the Department of Health’s Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC). Strawberry guava is a non-native plant that is invading and threatening Hawai`i’s native forests and has already […]
- Bee Informed at the Kauai County Farm Bureau FairNR11-17 August 12, 2011 HONOLULU – The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture’s Apiary Program and the Kaua`i Beekeepers Association (KBEE) will be co-hosting a Kaua`i Grown Honey Tasting at the Kaua`i County Farm Bureau Fair Grand Opening Night on Thursday, August 25th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Vidinha Stadium in Lihue. The event will take place at […]
- Opossum Found in Shipping Container and Sugar Glider Turned InNR 11-16 – August 8, 2011 HONOLULU – A young opossum was found in a shipping container at a retail store at Ward Center this morning at about 7:30 a.m. Workers unloading the container saw the animal and immediately closed the container and called police. Responding officers captured the animal and inspectors from the Hawai`i […]
- Bee Pest Spreads to Maui and Moloka`iNR11-15 July 27, 2011 HONOLULU – The small hive beetle (SHB), a serious pest of honeybees, has been detected on Maui and Moloka`i. The pest is considered widespread on Hawai`i Island and O`ahu after it was found in April 2010 and November 2010, respectively. “We have recently detected low population levels of the small hive beetle on […]