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HDOA Accepting Applications for Ag Leases

Posted on Aug 11, 2020 in Main
The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture  is currently accepting applications to negotiate for state agricultural leases. This includes parcels in agricultural parks on O`ahu (Waianae Ag Park) and Hawai`i Island (Pahoa Ag Park) and non-ag park parcels on Kaua`i and Hawai`i Island.


The deadline to apply for the non-ag park leases is Sept. 8, 2020.
The deadline to apply for the ag park leases is Sept. 21, 2020.


To view the public notice, go to: https://hdoa.hawaii.gov/meetings-reports/public-notices/
To view information on the agricultural lease program, go to: https://hdoa.hawaii.gov/arm/agricultural-parks/