HDOA to Hold Workshops for Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

Posted on Jan 8, 2019 in Main

Jan. 8, 2019

HONOLULU – The Market Development Branch of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) will be holding statewide workshops in January for those who are interested learning more about the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The federal program, funded by the Farm Bill, provides grants to states to fund projects that solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops, such as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops. The application process for the 2019 SCBGP is expected to begin in January 2019 so those interested in applying for these grants will receive guidance at these workshops.


SCBGP Workshop Schedule
Jan. 9 Kona UH-CTAHR Kona Extension Office, 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy
Jan. 11 Molokai Lanikeha Community Center, 2200 Farrington Ave., Hoolehua
Jan 14 Lihue Kauai Community College, OCET Rm 106, 3-1901 Kaumualii Hwy
Jan. 16 Kahului HDOA Maui Conference Rm, 635 Mua St.
Jan. 17 Honolulu Plant Quarantine Conference Rm, 1849 Auiki St.
Jan. 31 Hilo State Building, Conference Rms B & C, 75 Aupuni St.

The workshops run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and are free. However, registration is required at least two days in advance of the workshop if possible.  To register, call (808) 973-9573 or email [email protected]. To view and download the workshop flyer, go to: https://hdoa.hawaii.gov/add/files/2018/12/Agriculture-Grants-Event-Flyer_JAN2019-003.pdf

The workshops will also include information on marketing services and programs available through HDOA.

“We encourage anyone who is interested in applying for these agricultural block grants to attend these workshops,” said Scott Enright, chairperson of the Hawaii Board of Agriculture. “Department staff will be there to provide information on grant application requirements and tips on how to write a successful grant proposal.”

The Hawaii request for proposals for the 2019 SCBGP will be available in January 2019.  Projects selected will be announced in March 2019 with funding to be available in January 2020.  It is anticipated that grant funds totaling about $400,000 will be awarded for Hawaii projects.

For more information on the USDA SCBGP go to: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/scbgp

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