HDOA Offers Program for Free Treatment of Little Fire Ants for O‘ahu Homeowners
Posted on Mar 20, 2025 in MainMarch 20, 2025
HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) has opened a free treatment program for little fire ant (LFA) infestations on residential properties on O‘ahu. HDOA’s Plant Quarantine Branch (PQB) has contracted with pest control companies to conduct the treatments on properties under the guidance of PQB inspectors. The $1.1 million statewide contract is expected to be able to treat about 580 residential properties on O‘ahu, or until the funds have been exhausted. PQB will also conduct LFA-control programs on neighbor islands which will be announced in the near future.
“Thanks to significant funding to combat invasive species provided by the Hawai‘i State Legislature and Governor Josh Green, M.D., the department is now able to conduct a large-scale LFA treatment program for homeowners on O‘ahu by utilizing the experience and expertise of private pest control companies,” said Sharon Hurd, chairperson of the Hawai‘i Board of Agriculture. “While we are starting this treatment program on O‘ahu, treatment programs are also being developed for infestations on Maui, Kaua‘i and Hawai‘i Island.”
Property owners will be required to:
- Provide name, address, phone number, email to the PQB via [email protected] or call 808-832-0566. (Renters will require the permission of the landowner in order to participate in this program.)
- PQB will mail an LFA detection kit to the owner. Property owners will be required to send the LFA detection kits back to PQB for confirmation of the presence of LFA
- If LFA is confirmed via the test kit, property owners must allow PQB inspectors to survey the property to determine the extent of the infestation so that a comprehensive treatment program may be developed on that property and any adjacent properties affected. If multiple adjacent properties are infested, all properties must consent to treatment under this program.
- Under PQB instruction, the pest control contractor will conduct eight applications of granular ant baits every six weeks, as well as the application of a product that inhibits the growth and development of LFA.
- PQB inspectors will conduct surveys at selected properties during the course of the treatments to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments and will continue surveying the properties after the treatment protocol has been completed.
See fact sheet for instructions: https://hdoa.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/LFA-FAQ.pdf
The pest control company contracted is certified by the state and has also been trained by the Hawai‘i Ant Lab specifically regarding LFA treatment. The contractor will work under the supervision of the HDOA Plant Quarantine and Pesticides Branches.
This program is for O‘ahu residential properties only. Commercial properties are not eligible.
PQB advises everyone to check any new plants for LFA before bringing the plants into homes and yards. LFA test kits are available through the PQB by contacting [email protected]
Originally from South America, LFA is considered among the world’s worst invasive species.
LFA are tiny ants, measuring 1/16th inch long and are pale orange in color. LFA move slowly, unlike the tropical fire ant which is established in Hawai‘i, which move quickly and are much larger. LFA can inflict painful stings causing red welts and may cause blindness in pets. They can build up very large colonies on the ground, in trees and other vegetation, buildings and homes and may completely overrun a property.
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Program contact:
HDOA Plant Quarantine Branch
Phone: 808-832-0566
email: [email protected]