Young Brothers Posts Invasive Species Info at Kauai Port
Posted on Jul 1, 2013 in MainNews Release from Kauai Invasive Species Committee
June 27, 2013
LIHUE – New signs were installed today at the Nawiliwili, Young Brothers facility asking the public to be
aware of accidentally bringing invasive species to Kauai. The bright and attractive signs feature
information about the need to inspect and clean cargo as well as what pests to look for. This will
increase awareness and highlight the necessity for interisland biosecurity.
The signs are the result of collaboration between Young Brothers, Inc. (YB), Hawaii Department of
Agriculture (HDOA) and the Kauai Invasive Species Committee (KISC); all working to protect the island
from the threats that invasive species pose to this ecosystem. The new signs were installed almost one
year from the date that Young Brothers employees helped to capture a live mongoose spotted at the
docks. Since that time, constant mongoose trapping efforts by KISC have taken place at the port facility
(with no further captures), as well as other pest surveys conducted by HDOA and KISC for little fire ant.
Everyone who picks up cargo from the Nawiliwili facility will see the signs in three different locations at
Young Brothers: at the payment window, in the cargo pick-up area, and in the area where perishable
goods are picked up. “This is really an exciting project for us because it not only educates the public
about invasive species, but also gives them ways to report pests,” said Keren Gundersen, KISC Project
Manager. “There is even a QR Code on the sign for those with smart phones. That links directly to an
online version of an Early Detection Field Guide with more information about invasive plants, animals,
and insects,” Gundersen added.
On the day of installation, Tiffani Keanini (KISC Outreach Specialist), Gundersen, and Craig Kaneshige
(HDOA Noxious Weed Specialist), gave a short presentation to all YB personnel about invasive species
and provided them with Field Guides. “These guys are already doing such a great job looking for things
like coqui frogs and mongoose, and these Guides will help them answer questions they might get from
the public,” Tiffani offered.
Wendell Kam, YB Kauai Manager, was instrumental in choosing locations for sign placement and working
with the KISC crew to install them. “People are sure to see this information when they come to pick up
their goods,” Kam speculated. “This is definitely a good thing,” he announced.
The public should look for these signs when visiting YB, as well as other informational signage posted at
various sites across Kauai.
Reports of pests on Kauai can be made to 643-PEST (7378). Mongoose sightings should be reported to
821-1490. Snake sightings should be reported immediately to 911!
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From left: Craig Kaneshige, HDOA; Keren Gundersen, KISC; and Wendell Kam, Young Brothers. |