News Release: July 14, 2003

Posted on Jul 14, 2003 in 2003 News Releases, News-Releases

For Immediate Release July 14, 2003 NR03-15

Proposed Amendment to Import Rules Lists Regarding Import of Two Fungi (Mushrooms) For Propagation and Sale

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Agriculture has received a request to amend the list placement of two fungi, Pholiota nameko and Pleurotus eryngii, both edible mushrooms, from the List of Restricted Microorganisms to the List of Nonrestricted Microorganisms under chapter 4-71A, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), entitled, “Microorganism Import Rules,” for import, propagation and sale for food consumption.

P. nameko is currently placed on the List of Restricted Microorganisms (Part A) by genus and, by virtue of that placement, is classified as a high-risk microorganism which may be allowed import by permit for purposes approved by the Board of Agriculture (Board). P. eryngii is currently on the List of Restricted Microorganisms (Part B) by genus and, by virtue of that placement, is classified as a moderate-risk microorganism which may be allowed import by permit for purposes such as propagation and sale as approved by the Board. The proposed amendment to delete P. nameko and P. eryngii from the List of Restricted Microorganisms and to add these two species of fungi to the List of Nonrestricted Microorganisms will allow P. nameko and P. eryngii to be imported, without permit, as mushroom spawn for propagating mushrooms or as mushrooms to be sold for food consumption.

Pursuant to section 150A-6.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and section 4-71A-17, HAR, the requested changes will proceed through an expedited rule amendment process which provides for public notification and input through press release and publication in the Office of Environmental Quality Control bulletin, mailed notice to persons who made timely written request for advance notice of rulemaking proceedings, as well as through public meetings of the Board and its Advisory Committee on Plants and Animals. This expedited amendment process provides for adoption of amendments through Board order, and following Governor’s approval, for public notice of the order in daily or weekly publication(s) of statewide circulation.

A copy of the proposed exact changes and the order proposed by the Board if the requested changes are adopted will be mailed to any interested person who requests a copy upon payment in advance of costs for photocopying, preparing, and mailing the copy. A copy of the proposed order and proposed exact changes may be obtained for inspection or, alternatively, for pick up after payment in full of costs for photocopying and preparing the copy at the following Plant Quarantine Offices:

  • Oahu: 1849 Auiki Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819; PH: (808) 832-0566
  • Kauai: 4398A Pua Loke Street, Lihue, Hawaii 96766; PH: (808) 274-3071
  • Maui: 635 Mua Street, Kahului, Hawaii 96732; PH: (808) 873-3556
  • Hawaii: 16E Lanikaula Street, Hilo, Hawaii 96720; PH: (808) 974-4141

The Department of Agriculture is soliciting comments regarding the above-referenced proposed changes during the next thirty days. Oral or written comments may be communicated to the Plant Quarantine Branch (PQB) at the Oahu address or phone number shown above, or by fax to (808) 832-0584, or e-mail to [email protected]. Interested persons are also encouraged to attend the public meetings of the Advisory Committee on Plants and Animals as well as the Board, on the proposed changes and should contact the PQB at (808) 832-0566 for projected meeting dates and times. Notice of the Advisory Committee and Board meetings is posted at


For more information, contact:

Janelle Saneishi
Public Information Officer
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Phone: (808) 973-9560