Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network for the State Department of Agriculture


Background            Mission Statement & Initiative        Resources        Publications


local farmers out in the field

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – call 988
graphic of a telephone and the numbers 988 to dial

The 988 Lifeline is a number to call if you have any worries, anxieties or concerns about your mental health and you are worried that you are in a state of crisis. The Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States.

Family members and friends are also encouraged to call if they wish to talk to a counselor about their concerns for a loved one and to learn of resources available.



drawing of 2 farmers walking along a path near a farm





This work is supported strictly by the Farm Ranch Stress Assistance Network-State Departments of Agriculture (FRSAN-SDA, 2021), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant No. 2021-70035-35371.