
Compost Reimbursement Program 2024

Posted on Jan 4, 2024 in Main

The Hawai’i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Plant Industry Division is accepting applications for the Compost Reimbursement Program for Fiscal Year 2024, which may reimburse agricultural producers (including farming and landscaping operations) for the cost of purchasing compost, including transportation costs. Act 164 was passed by the State Legislature during the 2023 legislative session and Gov. ...
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Coffee Leaf Rust Information

Posted on Oct 25, 2023 in Main

The coffee leaf rust (CLR) is one of the most damaging diseases of coffee plants. It was first detected in Hawaii in October 2020 and has since been found on Maui, Hawaii Island, Oahu and Lanai. Since its detection in Hawaii, there has been a multi-agency effort to assist the state’s $56 million industry manage ...
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Pesticide Disposal Program

Posted on Jul 10, 2023 in Main

Welcome to the Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s (HDOA) Pesticide Disposal Program (PDP)! The HDOA understands the critical importance of responsible pesticide management and the potential risks associated with their improper disposal. HDOA’s PDP aims to provide a safe and environmentally friendly solution for commercial entities seeking to dispose of canceled, suspended, unwanted, or unlabeled pesticides. ...
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Compost Reimbursement Program 2023

Posted on Dec 19, 2022 in Main

The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Plant Industry Division is accepting applications for the Compost Reimbursement Program for Fiscal Year 2023, which may reimburse agricultural producers (including farming and landscaping operations) for the cost of purchasing compost, including transportation costs. Act 302 was passed by the State Legislature during the 2022 legislative session and Gov. ...
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  ENGLISH “Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Workers &  Handlers in Hawaii” This is an EPA-approved video that covers the training content for workers and handlers in accordance with the 2015 WPS (40CFR 170). Handlers must watch the “WPS Supplement for Handlers in Hawaii,” EPA WPS PST H 00048,  to fulfill the training requirements.   ...
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Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP) Reports

Posted on Apr 20, 2021 in Main

Beginning January 1, 2019, every user of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) was required to submit a record of their use of RUPs. Required items to be reported include the date of application, the product that was applied (including name, EPA Registration number, and active ingredients), the amount that was applied, the area treated, the Tax ...
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Red Hat Society Visits PQ

Posted on Apr 9, 2019 in Main

A group of lovely ladies from the Red Hat Society visited the Plant Quarantine Office at Sand Island in March. The members learned about invasive species and our quarantine program.  They also enjoyed viewing some live and preserved animals. Plant Quarantine Outreach & Education Specialist Kent Dumlao making a visual presentation for the Red Hat ...
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Kunia Orchid Show – March 2019

Posted on Apr 9, 2019 in Main

Plant Quarantine inspectors were at the Kunia Orchid Show at Leilehua High School again this year! More than 1,700 people visited the booth! Attendees learned about orchid regulations, invasive species, and enjoyed a live and preserved animal display.  This year, the crew added a mobile inspection table where people could have the plants they purchased ...
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Students in a 3rd grade class from Momilani Elementary School visited the Plant Quarantine Office on March 3, 2019 and got a special demonstration from one of the detector dogs that sniff out snakes in incoming baggage and cargo. K9 Detector Dog handlers, Theresa Manzano, Lisa Goya-Nishikawa and Cindy Umemoto and PQ inspector Jennifer Kobayashi ...
Read More Momilani Elementary School Visit to PQ – March 2019

HDOA Plant Quarantine inspectors had a morning full of students rotating through their display during the Mai`li Elementary School Career Fair on March 15, 2019. Students who chose to learn more about becoming an agricultural inspector met PQ inspectors Jessie Tibayan and education specialist Kent Dumlao who explained what the qualifications are for inspector positions. ...
Read More Mai`li Elementary Career Fair – March 2019