Plant Quarantine Branch

Prevents the introduction and spread of harmful pests and diseases into the state, as well as certifying plants for export out of the state. Information on importing plants, insects, microorganisms, and non-domestic animals to Hawai‘i available.

The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture’s Plant Quarantine Program began more than a hundred years ago when, in 1888, King David Kalakaua decreed that in order to protect the coffee industry in Hawai‘i, new coffee plants would not be allowed into the islands. Two years later, laws were enacted to prevent the introduction of injurious insect pests and plant diseases. In 1905, after 14 snakes were seized, the responsibility of preventing detrimental non-domestic animals from coming into the islands was added to the program in order to protect Hawai‘i’s people and the environment.

Today, Plant Quarantine is the State’s “First Line of Defense” in keeping pests out of the islands. Behind the scenes, we inspect everything from single-celled organisms used for research to exotic animals in the zoo; from flowers, fruits, and vegetables in the market to animal feed at the farm; from the clams and oysters in the restaurant to birds and fishes in the pet shop. All these things are checked at the harbor or airport to make sure they’re safe for all of us.


Akamai Arrival Pilot Program (NEW!)


The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture is currently conducting a pilot program that digitizes the Plant and Animal Declaration Form, which is required by law to be completed by all travelers arriving in Hawai‘i. The declaration form requires that all plant material (including fruits, vegetables, plants and plant parts. etc.), animals and microorganism be declared.

All domestic commercial airlines that fly into Hawai‘i are participating in the pilot program which begins on March 1, 2025 to May 31, 2025. However, some airlines are using the digitized form only on specific routes. Please check with your airline on how the digitized declaration form will impact your flight.

Visit the Akamai Arrival website for more information on the program and flight listings at:

To view the news release announcing the program, go to:

If you have questions regarding the program, please email: [email protected] 


View photos of what PQ inspectors conducting risk assessments

Map to the Honolulu Office of the Plant Quarantine Branch