Hawaii Sustainable Agriculture Skills Panels

In partnership with Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) and Department of Agriculture (HDOA), the WDC is coordinating a statewide series of Skill Panel meetings to address the present and future workforce needs of the agriculture industry in Hawaii. Beginning in December 2011 on Oahu, the Skill Panel meetings bring together farmers, industry professionals, HDOA staff, representatives from the education and public workforce systems, and other industry stakeholders to discuss challenges facing the agriculture industry and to propose practical solutions on both a local and statewide level. Here we will provide the materials generated for these meetings.

2013 Update on Legislation:

Click any link below to be taken to the State Capitol website to read more about these bills.

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Workforce Development bills related to agriculture

  1. To establish a Hawaii Agriculture Workforce Advisory Board (HB749 HD1)

Department of Agriculture
2013 Legislative Package Bills

  1. Increase barrel tax allocation (HB857/SB1088)
  2. Increase availability of capital for agricultural infrastructure (HB770/SB992)
  3. Provide support for new farmers and new farm innovation (HB771/SB993)
  4. Promote purchases of locally grown agricultural commodities (HB769/SB991)
  5. Clarify permissible uses on IAL (HB774/SB996)
  6. Amend provision allowing overnight accommodations on agricultural land (HB772/SB994)


Statewide Data to Download:

Click here to view the Governor’s Opening Remarkes: https://vimeo.com/36175963
Governor Neil Abercrombie gives a kick-off speech at the O’ahu Agriculture Skill Panel Conference on December 14, 2011. The series of conferences, held at least once in each of Hawaii’s four counties throughout 2012, attempts to collectively address the workforce and business challenges for Hawaii’s farmers and the agriculture industry in Hawaii as a whole.

Maui: June 7, 2012

Notes from the Maui Meeting:

Kauai: May 11, 2012

Notes from the Kauai Meeting:

Kona/West Hawaii: March 6, 2012

Click here to watch our video channel from the Kona/West Hawai’i Agriculture Skill Panel on Vimeo.com

Notes from the Kona/West Hawaii Meeting:

Hilo/East Hawaii: January 24, 2012

Click here to watch our video channel from the Hilo/East Hawai’i Agriculture Skill Panel on Vimeo.com

Notes from the Hilo/East Hawaii Meeting:

Oahu: December 14, 2011

Click here to watch our video channel from the O’ahu Agriculture Skill Panel on Vimeo.com

Notes from the Oahu Meeting:



SESP is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and made available through the U.S. Department of Labor—Employment and Training Administration. All American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds must be used in compliance with federal equal employment opportunity regulations. Copyright © 2013 Hawaii Workforce Development Council / DLIR. All rights reserved.